Operating Policy


The purpose of this policy is to outline the course of operations for the Battle River District.

Policy Changes

Additions or amendments to this policy may be approved at any time with approval of the BRSA Executive, with subsequent presentation of changes to the Board at the next meeting. The Operating Policy shall not contradict anything contained within the BRSA Bylaws.




There shall be established the following committees, whose make-up shall be reviewed yearly, normally at the Outdoor Planning Meeting. The President or Vice-President of the Executive Committee shall be an ex-officio member of each Committee.

1.1 Discipline Committee

The responsibility of this Committee is to oversee all matters of misconduct brought to the attention of the District that have occurred while participating in the game of soccer as either a Player, Coach, Referee or Spectator.

1.2 Technical/Development Committee

The initial responsibility of this committee is to look towards the hiring of a Technical Director/Contract Coach for the District. Further responsibilities of this committee will be to create, maintain and develop ideas to increase the number of, coaches and players currently involved in the District by way of courses, training sessions, recruiting and advertising.

1.3 Referee Committee

It shall be the duty of this committee to regulate all matters dealing with the establishing and maintaining of referee standards. Further responsibilities of this committee will be to create, maintain and develop ideas to increase the number of referees currently involved in the District by way of courses, training sessions, recruiting and advertising.

To help support and guide the committee, it will include the ASA Referee Advisor, whose position is defined through ASA as follows:

1.3.1 ASA Referee Advisor. Job description.


2.1 Monies Owing

All monies owing to the Association shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days of invoicing unless otherwise stipulated.

2.2 Late Payment Penalties

Penalties for late or non-payment of monies due shall be as established by the board.

2.3 Paid Staff as Elected Director

No paid employee of any affiliated Association, league or club and no paid employee of this Association may sit as an elected member of the Board of Directors of this Association or a Board of a member of this Association.

2.4 Provincial Tournament Declaration

Declarations for communities wishing to host Provincial tournaments shall do so through the District at least three weeks prior to the deadline set by ASA.

2.5 Coaching Clinics

BRSA will coordinate a minimum number of two Coaching Clinics within the District prior to the start of the Outdoor season. Each Club shall subsequently be billed based upon the participation of the Coaches who attend from their respective Club. The Club Host for each clinic shall designate a local contact.

2.6 Referee Clinics

BRSA will coordinate Referee Clinics prior to the start of the Outdoor season. Each Club shall subsequently be billed based upon the participation of the Referees who attend from their respective Club. The Club Host for each clinic shall designate a local contact.

2.7 Administration Fee

All Youth and Senior players residing within the confines of the Battle River District are required to pay an Administration fee to BRSA per registered season, whether Outdoor or Indoor. Each Club must complete the BRSA Player Registration Form, containing a complete list of all the registered Players within the Club. The Executive, prior to each of the Indoor and Outdoor Seasons, will set a deadline for submission of this form. Administration fees will be set with the approval of the year’s Budget. These fees will go towards the soccer programs within the Battle River District; specifically, but not limited to: direct Administration costs, Coach Development, Player Development and the proliferation of the sport of soccer throughout the Battle River District.

District Releases

All individual Youth and Senior players residing within the confines of the Battle River District and wishing to register within another ASA District must obtain a District Release. Once a youth player has registered with his/her new District, it will be the responsibility of the gaining (new) District to inform the losing (home) District of the particulars of said youth player(s). Particulars will include first and last name, gender, date of birth, full address, phone number, new District/Club/Team names, age group, and tier.

A complete list of all District releases given in each Season will be kept by the District Registrar. Such information will be kept for the purpose of obtaining an accurate count of the number of Youth and Senior players residing within the District boundaries. The District Registrar will also inform the Elite Club Program Director or designate, and the Community Club from which the released player resides, of all player releases.

2.8 Executive Incentive

To recognize the efforts, time and energy spent by BRSA Executive Members during the course of their tenure, each shall be given an Honorarium at the successful completion of their year of service on the BRSA Executive as follows:

  • Chair $300
  • Vice-Chair $150
  • Treasurer $150
  • Secretary $150

Executive Members will continue to be compensated for out of pocket expenses directly related to District Business and are expected to provide receipts for these expenses.

2.9 Travel Expenses

District Members who are required to travel for business related to District operations are entitled to receive compensation through BRSA as per the Alberta Government Refund Policy. Current stipulations in the Alberta Government provide for accommodation, mileage and meal allowance. 2010 Rates were as follows:

  • Private Vehicle - $0.51 cents per kilometer
  • Meals Daily - $50.00, or (Breakfast - $10.00, Lunch - $15.00, Dinner - $25.00)

2.10 Monetary Penalties

Monetary penalties for missed deadlines, (normally established at the Outdoor Planning Meeting), will be charged to each Club based on the following:

  • Outdoor Tier IV (U12 to U18) Team Declarations - $150/amendment
  • Outdoor Tier IV (U12 to U18) Team Official List, BRSA format- $25/day
  • Outdoor Tier IV (U12 to U18) Team Rosters, ASA format - $25/team
  • Outdoor Player Registration List (all Clubs) - $25/day


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